Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Starting Anew

Well it's a new year.  I like the start of a new year.  I know it drives some people crazy with all of the to do lists and resolutions that are guaranteed to fail but I like it.  I like the idea of a clean slate...starting anew.  In fact, "starting anew" is a perfect phrase to describe this phase in our lives.  Not only are we starting a new year but we are in a new town, new house and Preston has started a new job.  Ok, so technically we aren't in a new town.  We moved home to Tupelo.  And technically we aren't in a new house.  It was built in the 1930s but it is new to us.

With all of this renewing going on, I thought it was a perfect time to start fresh with the blog.  I originally started "The State We're In" to help keep our family and friends in Mississippi updated on our lives in Arizona.  I have never been the best blogger but after Stan was born, blogging fell VERY low on the totem pole.  I could never keep up with it and I fell behind.  Life got in the way... between having a baby, baby having surgery, voluntarily foreclosing on a home, moving into a rental home and then moving across the country...there was no time for blogging.  When we decided to move back home to Mississippi, Preston asked if I was going to try to blog.  I told him probably not because there was no reason for continuing the blog since we would be seeing our Mississippi friends and family all of the time now.  Plus I had this whole last blog post planned in my head that was cleverly titled "Saying Goodbye to the State We're In."  Poetic, right?  Preston reminded me that the roles have been reversed.  We now have "family" and friends in Arizona that sincerely care about our little family.  They want to see how Stan is doing and what me and Preston are up to....but mainly they just want to see how Stan is doing. ;)  So as you probably could've guessed one of my many resolutions is to be a better blogger.  Mainly for all of our Sahuarita, Tucson, Green Valley, Rio Rico and Nogales family and those that have moved away including our family in Idelstein, IL and Palm Harbor, FL....y'all will always be our Arizona family no matter where you live and we miss ALL of you more than words can explain!

2011 was a very exciting and hectic year for us but what a blessing it was.  The Lord has been very good to us and we are excited to see what He has planned for us in 2012!  Look for an update on Stanley Pierce soon...he has A LOT going on!  Happy New Year friends!


  1. Thanks for letting us know your blog address. We certainly want to keep up with how you guys are doing. And you know we love seeing pictures of Stan if we can't have him here to hold.
    Wishing you many blessings on all that is going on for you. We miss you.

  2. Your friends in Nashville love pictures and updates, too! :)
